The feelings of passionate, obsessive love, of being in love or infatuated, as well as elation, heightened energy, focused attention, obsessive thinking, and intense craving when she can’t stop thinking about you, is all related to the brains elevated production of the chemicals dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. All these hormones are released during great passionate sex.
Dopamine is the fundamental neurotransmitter associated with romantic love.
Norepinephrine along with dopamine will create infatuation.
Serotonin is the pathway by which Dopamine and Norepinephrine can become active. Without serotonin in the brain a person would feel depressed.
Seminal fluid contains dopamine and norepinephrine which is one of the reasons women feel that “afterglow” or intense feeling of warmth and passion for you after you’ve had sex. It is also the reason that women who have regular intercourse (without a condom) are less depressed.
Testosterone is the hormone of desire that naturally attracts women to you.
Oxytocin and Vasopressin are associated with romantic love, and attachment.
These hormones are the “satisfaction” hormones (the cuddle chemicals) and the reason people feel very warm as they make love, and often sense a very cosmic union with one another.
The act of having sex with a woman will cause her to have increased feelings for you. It will intensify her interest in you. This intensified interest is in great part a result of activated chemicals released in a woman’s’ body during intercourse.
She will yearn for you. A woman’s orgasm will also heighten her interest in having sex again and again. A man who causes a woman to climax gives her reason to believe he cares enough about her pleasure and satisfying her. It is also true that the more intense the orgasm the more likely she’ll be back for more.


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